Patch 1.6 per Call of Duty 4
L'Activision ha rilasciato la patch 1.6 di call of duty 4, già disponibile per Xbox360, e in questo momento in mano alla Sony, che sta facendo tutte le certificazioni.
Non è stata dichiarata la data del rilascio della patch, ma ormai dovrebbero essere solo pochi giorni.
La patch introdurrà nel gioco delle nuove Kill Cam, oltre ad aggiungere la migrazione dell'host. Sono anche stati migliorati i dettagli di alcune armi e oggetti in generale.
Eccovi il changelog completo della patch:
* New Kill Cams – Everything that can kill you has a Kill Cam now. Grenades, Airstrikes, Claymores, C4, M203 Rounds, RPGs, anything. So jump online, get owned a little and check them out. They’re awesome, especially Grenades and M203 shots that go across the map and through a window.
* Host Migration – Host migration was added, so now when the host leaves you won’t get dropped back to your own lobby by yourself. Everyone will stay together. Host Leaves, everyone returns to lobby, selects next best host, and the game starts up again. No more re-inviting, re-partying up because a host ended the game.
* Improved Sniper Accuracy – The Sniper rifle accuracy has been improved. No more, WTF? shots now. Your cross hair will be a better representation of where your shot will ultimately land. Try out a sniper class today, let us know how the new accuracy feels.
* Improved ACOG Scope Accuracy – ACOG scopes accuracy on any weapon has been improved. Test it out, throw it on one of your classes and give it a go.
* Upgraded Spectator Cam – Now when you’re a spectator you have the option to follow in 3rd person or 1st person. As well as rotate 360 degrees around the player you’re watching. Next time you’re dead in Search and Destroy and just watching your team mates do stuff you know you can do better, now do it in 1st person or rotate around them.
* Quick Mute Option – Now you can easily and quickly mute players in-game or in-lobby without ever going through the Xbox Live blades. Just go to their gamertag on screen and hit ‘A’ to quick mute in lobby, or via the in-game scoreboard if playing. Quick. Easy. Salvation!
Multiplayer Online
* Improved Network Performance For Larger Games – 18 player games now require more bandwidth to host, resulting in smoother performance for players.
* Optimized Server Selection for First Match – Server selection is now optimized to select best bandwidth servers associated by LSP.
* Fixed “Playlist Older Than Host” Error – Player will no longer get this error when entering games.
* Additional Start Spawn Locations in All Maps – Added a minimum of 9 extra start spawns on each side of all maps.